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Alianza Americana Language and Leadership Institute honors God by utilizing its life changing projects, educational/health and well-being programs and its unique language training methodology to increase the true potential of the next generation of entrepreneurial bilingual leaders who will bring about a better future for them, their families, and their countries as local agents of change and transformation.


Alianza Americana is dedicated to training and equipping all of our students through these 5 different key components: Personal leadership development, intercultural educational programs, entrepreneurial programs, health and well-being habits and our effective bilingual communication program. We operate in both physical and virtual environments.


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Plaza Domingo Gadea
Biblioteca Municipal 15 vrs. al Este
Tel: 2713 4031


Parque San Juan 175 vrs. Abajo
Tel: 2311 0747


Club Edén 75 vrs. Abajo
Tel1: 2341 7031
Tel2: 2341 7337

Atendemos de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00AM a 8:00PM y Sabados de 8:00AM a 5:00PM